

Yesterday, I had a new stereo installed in my truck.  It has a nice 7-inch screen.  It has Android Auto, which is totally new to me.   It was expensive, but the plan is to keep this truck for a few years so I might as well have what I want from the start, right?   It took them three days shy of a month to get the parts that they needed to get it done.  The hold up was a wiring harness that is specific to my truck and was out of stock at the distributor.  Of course, any other vehicle would use more common parts and it would have been done a lot sooner.  I have to have that one kind of truck that is different from every other truck on the market.   But it's done now.

It's true

I am the easiest person in the world to please.   All you have to do is give me everything I want now.

The Wet Lawn Dude

There is this old guy a couple houses up the street, who is stands outside with a hose, watering his lawn.  He does it every day, even if it rained the night before. It's just weird. 


I went to see the Foo Fighters (July 21) in Boston this past Sunday.  It was a great show.  I won tickets from the radio station WBLM.  I went with my middle child who is 21 now.   So, what did this cost me?  About $350 dollars.  Why?   We took a Amtrak Train to Boston North Station ($132 round trip), then the subway to Kenmore Square ($12 for two rides back and forth).   Two t-shirts, @$35 each, = $70.  That's actually cheap for concert shirts. A beer is $11 dollars at Fenway Park.  We each had 4.   Food.  It was a 13-hour trip.  We had to eat. It all adds up. I suppose driving would have been cheaper.  It's around $60 to park and probably would have costed $25 for gas.  I just didn't want to drive.  I've done it before; it is a major source of stress when you need to find parking and try to get through the traffic in Boston.   Was it worth it?  Sure!  I got to spend the day with my daughter, and we had a great time.  I just hadn't planned for it, so I had to juggl


I'm finding myself in a kind of zone this morning.  It's weather related.  I'm sure there are lots of people feeling this way. It's a nice cool morning and the humidity is down finally, after more than a week of being baked alive.  It is a huge relief.  I think my body just needs a day to recover from the heat.

I won!

This past Monday, I found this four-leaf clover. Then a little while later, I got a phone call informing me that I won a pair of tickets to see the Foo Fighters in Boston this Sunday.   Woo Hoo!!! All you had to do to win was fill out the form on the app.  I did that a couple weeks ago then pretty much forgot about it until I got a call from WBLM telling me I had to go intown to pick up the tickets at their office.      I went in town to pick up the tickets.  Damn right!   I have a little 50cc scooter that I rode intown, so I didn't have to pay for parking, which you have to do in that part of the city.  On my way back, one of Portland's finest spots me and follows me about a mile to my home.  He pulls up, and says, oh that's not the one. I thought, ok .   Apparently, somebody stole a scooter that looks just like mine.   That sucks. Oh well.   God is good to me.    


There are many distractions around me.   Today it's the beeping of a truck that is going in reverse.  "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Do you know why they do that?  Because of our neighbors who are unable to pay attention to what's going on around them.