Learning to Play the Keyboard

About a month ago I went to Goodwill by the pound, which is in Gorham Maine. It's a place to go treasure hunting. And occasionally you'll find something good. 

While there, I found a DVD series called, "How to Play the Piano".  This is put out by The Great Courses, featuring Professor Pamela D. Pike, who is a music professor from the Louisiana State University.  There are six DVDs with a total of 36 lessons. 

It costed about 50 cents.

I'm currently six lessons into it, and I'm doing things I've never been able to do before. I'm playing chords, I'm playing melodies.  I'm learning the patterns.  I'm using both hands.  I've even gone off on my own and started learning a couple of classic rock songs.  

I also bought the book which accompanies the DVDs from Amazon.Kindle. It is on my tablet. So, I'm able to follow along with that.  That costed five bucks.

Then I found an old but nice Casio keyboard, at a yard sale. I paid $15 bucks for that and the stand.  It works great. 

So I'm about $21 into it now. And I'm having fun with it. It gives me something to do. 

I also have a little portable DVD player with the 9 inch screen built right in, so I set it all up with that. And I'm actually learning. It's great. 

Of course, like everything else, you get out of it what you put into it. And I've been putting about an hour a day into it.

So if you're a self-learner and want to play the piano, this is the best thing I found. 

Professor Pike breaks it down nicely. Makes it easy to understand, just like if you are taking private lessons.  



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